Greetings programs welcome to a new age of the interweb. One full of hatefulness and people on soapboxes trying to be the next street preacher of information that they think is facts but it just their opinions, but they want you to accept as facts anyway and no is not a answer. A new era were nothing is real and everyone's truth is their truth. A place were people want you dead just for shitposting or having a opinion on a topic. A time in history that would make Edger Allen Poe seem like a Aristotle. A new world of....
Wait a cotton picken second now what is this now the schizophrenia nerd rants about society blog now. Its funny to think about just how caught up we get in the littlest things nowadays to a point were we lose ourselves, and everyone starts sounding like damn Light Yagama. Great a Death Note reference just what people want to see on a blog uhhh hey people look it its the best of western animation.
Anyway I think you get the point by now and my humor. I’d like to introduce myself, name is the One Eyed Nerd and I welcome you to my little oasis on the digital wasteland so come on by and pull up a chair cause its hell out there.
Gentle hearts and happy people oh wait wrong song
I got more stuff brewing in the ol still at the back so stay awhile and enjoy this is just the beginning. This is the One Eyed Nerd signing off. Until next time NOW GET OF MY LAWN YOU YOUNG BOTS!!!!