Greeting's again to the Interweb, It's The One Eyed Nerd here with another, well let me rephrase that more like the first real post not unless you count the greeting as one. Now this thought has been with me for a while and if you read the title of this post then you might have a good idea about what this is going to be about, and today topic is more to get my thoughts out on the younger generation and to myself. Before I start no this is not....
This is more of a introspective on myself more then a here is the key to this generation way of well doing anything. To begin in earnest the way I was raised plays a role in this and for my parents not getting me onto social media (Thank the Lord for that) oh and those PSA about internet safety they played in school that scared the students, well me shitless, I swear some of them where more like horror films than PSAs. I got to find the one they played and share it here it is something. So back to the topic on point, growing up in the early 2000s was something, now sure I heard and remembered some of the shit that happened but It didn't feel like it was everywhere back then, now yes I was still a child but the later part of my generation knows about everything nowadays and not in the good way.
Now income the 2010s well 2015 and later. During this time two things happened, one was my interest into modding and retro gaming and number two, good ole number two. Politics, social media, later on high school and the thing that shall not be named, now lets start with politics. One thing I still kick myself about these years later was I should of never gotten into it at this time in life. I was not mentally prepared for it, Hell it was my early teen years in middle school for crying our loud. Look when you are a teenager your dumb, that's the truth you are stupid, young, immature, and a know it all (ok I still am to this day but that's another subject for another time) and here I am worrying myself to death about who to vote for, what is going to happen in the future, and I couldn't even drive, yes in middle school let me repeat that in middle school, all this started in middle school, no not high school but in middle school. So at this time I was a junkie in politics, always reading and listening and I had no idea what the real world was like only what the talking heads said and from the family (no this is not a jab at them).
So high school rolls around and its the same old story, teenage angst, a lot of embarrassment of trying to fit in you name it, and add on top of the insanity of politics. Now around this time most of my generation is on social media well actuary this happen back in middle school, but lets say I took the old way around, I'm talking about theses.
Yes that is a old school forum and yes I am a sucker for the old technology. Around this time I looked for what I liked with music, TV shows, video games, animation, and car culture ( oh the joys of being a nerd). During this time most of what I came to enjoy ended up being old stuff and this
Then 2020 hit and man this was not what I expected not at all. Now before we hit this uhh interesting time, lets take two years off for a second. Remembered how I mention I wish I would of never gotten into politics well this powder keg aka me at this time and a teacher butt heads hard, extremely hard. Two years of the same shit at the same time about you guessed it, and I got the best analogy for it, it was like that prank where light a bag of crap on fire and leave it at someones doorstep, but replace it with politics and falling for it every single time for two years. Now you got the idea so lets fast forward to 2020. Lock downs and online education and not being able to see the people you went to school with and that bag of crap now taken up to 11. So this time I mostly hanged around with the great folks on the forum and trenched on and watching to much of the Simpsons I mean way too much. The next year passes on and I encounter a old friend called darkness and I mean it in the literal sense and Ironically on Halloween of all times. Weeks pass and it all works out but coming out of that unscathed taught me something. Life is way to short to waste on bullshit like keeping up with what is hip at the present time.
Here is to what life brings in all of its uncertainty's, and to my fellow peers in this generation and to the next, take some time to find yourself and not just what the mainstream thinks you need to be. No I'm not saying be a hipster and look down on people who like to chase the next golden egg, but to not let the masses rule your judgement and to be a wise consumer. Because hey you only live once, why waste it on misery and people opinions. This is the One Eyed Nerd saying good night and signing off.